Black Brown 3 Seater, 2 Seater, 1 Chair Leather Sofa Set
Mix of Faux Leather and Real Bonded Leather Sofa Set which includes a 3 Seater Sofa, 2 Seater Sofa, 1 Chair and Comes in a choice of colours from Black or Brown. These Sofas Sets are stylish for any Living Room.
1 Chair and 2 and 3 Seater Sofa Set
Mix of Real Bonded Leather and Faux Leather Sofa Set
Sofa in Black, Brown
Leather Chair
125cm / 93cm / 83cm
Two Seater Leather Sofa
180cm / 93cm / 83cm
Three Seater Leather Sofa
221cm / 93cm / 83cm